We are all tired with traditional networking

Business cards collection, follow ups, contact management, limited opportunities, expensive events, the right people to network with.

Introducing Meet People

We bridge the gap between physical and digital networking with digital cards and an AI-driven mobile app, enhancing your networking experience.

AI-Powered Matching

We match you with professionals matching your location, interests and goals: setting you in the right path to get the most out every single connection.

The only Digital profile you will ever need

Upload files, Share info, Capture leads, get paid: Own the most useful digital profile. Share it with a single tap or with your QR code.
Meet new people
Discover new people
Link to insta bio
Personal Website
Contact Management
Lead generation
Share contact info
Get Paid
Build email list
Showcase Projects
Social Feed
Share Photos & Videos
Share documents
Connect your domain
Unlimited links

In the UAE they are all excited about Meet People

Your AI-powered matching is a game-changer for entrepreneurs like me, and I can't wait to tap into its potential.

Very interesting product indeed: It's like having a secret weapon for networking.

Less than 30 seconds hearing about Meet People, I asked for my card. Time to meet people!


Meet People is a revolutionary networking platform designed to transform how professionals connect. It uses advanced AI technology to match you with valuable connections and provides powerful tools for building and nurturing your professional network.

Share your Meet People profile by tapping your Meet People card on someone else phone. If the device doesn't support NFC, they can scan your QR. You can also share your personal link with people: it's your personal website helping you collect information and share content with people you meet.

Meet People offers professionals a seamless networking experience with AI-driven matchmaking, personalized connections, and easy contact management. It helps users expand their network and make meaningful connections effortlessly.

Businesses can use Meet People to connect with potential partners, clients, and collaborators. The platform provides lead-generation tools, chat features, and location-based recommendations to enhance networking and boost growth.

Meet People simplifies networking for communities and event organizers. It enables easy check-ins for events, membership management, and exclusive networking opportunities, making it a valuable tool for community building.

To get started with Meet People for Businesses, simply click on the "Book a Demo" button on our Business Solutions page. Fill out the demo request form, and one of our team members will get in touch with you to explore how Meet People can benefit your organization.